

Meteora, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Greece’s Thessaly region, is a location of stunning beauty and spiritual significance. Meteora, known for its towering rock formations and monasteries perched above them, provides visitors with a one-of-a-kind and awe-inspiring experience.

The word “Meteora” means “suspended in the air,” which aptly characterizes the breathtaking scenery that awaits tourists. Six active monasteries can be found on the site, each with its beauty and historical value. Built atop sandstone pillar cliffs, these monasteries offer a bizarre and otherworldly scene that captures the imagination.

Travel to Meteora and explore the amazing history


In the 11th century, the first hermit monks reached the -up until then- inaccessible peaks of the dominating rocks and soon formed the monastic community of “Skiti of Doupiani”. During the 14th century, Saint Athanasios Meteoritis created the first organized ascetic commune in the Great Meteoro. Twenty-four monasteries, numerous cells, and prayer rooms were carved in the rocks or created inside the caves for more than 600 years. Today, the following monasteries are intact and functioning: Great Meteoro, Varlaam, Holy Trinity, St. Stephan, Rousanou, and St. Nicholas Anapafsas.

Hundreds of visitors arrive daily in Meteora, from all over the world, to meditate and pray. They get to know the life of the monks, admire the unique landscape, the peculiar yet impressive architecture and hagiography, as well as study the priceless cultural and religious treasures. The rocks are composed of a mixture of sandstone and conglomerate. They formed about 60 million years ago, during the Paleogene Period, when a series of earth movements pushed the seabed upwards, creating a high plateau and causing many fault lines to appear in the thick layer of sandstone. Continuous weathering by water, wind, and extremes of temperature turned them into huge rock pillars, marked by horizontal lines, which geologists believe were made by the waters of a prehistoric sea.




A lifetime experience


Visitors can either climb the stone stairs built into the cliffs or travel a meandering route to the top to reach the monastery. The ascent itself is an experience, with breathtaking views of the rock formations and valley below. Visitors are rewarded not only with the sight of the monasteries but also with the quiet ambiance and the spectacular splendor of the natural surroundings once they reach the summit.

Meteora’s natural beauties extend beyond the monasteries. The rock formations themselves are a testament to nature’s forces, formed by wind and water over millions of years. The distinctive geological structures, together with the lush foliage that surrounds them, offer an awe-inspiring and calm setting. Visitors can also marvel at the monasteries’ stunning architecture and rich religious legacy. The monasteries date from the 14th and 15th centuries when monks sought shelter in these remote areas. Some monasteries are now available to the public, offering a look into monastic life as well as beautiful views of the surrounding countryside.

The hiking trails and the amazing scenery


Exploring the hiking trails around Meteora is a popular activity for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. These trails allow visitors to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the area, offering close-up views of the rock formations, caves, and hidden corners of the landscape. Hiking in Meteora provides a sense of tranquility and a deeper connection to the spirituality of the place.

Photographers will have plenty of possibilities to capture the magnificence of Meteora. The changing light and shadows play on the cliffs from sunrise to sunset, creating a magnificent and ever-changing panorama. Photographers can capture the cliff-side monasteries, the stunning scenery, and the interaction of nature and human creativity.

Meteora is a site that inspires awe, wonder, and spiritual connection. Its magnificent rock formations, perched monasteries, and tranquil natural environs provide for a unique experience. Book your trip today to Meteora with Mideast Travel.


Meteora at a glance

Meteora is a unique and awe-inspiring destination located in central Greece. Known for its towering rock formations and perched monasteries, Meteora offers a mesmerizing blend of natural beauty, spiritual significance, and historical intrigue. The location is famous for its impressive rock formations that rise dramatically from the ground, creating a surreal and breathtaking landscape. These towering pillars of rock formed millions of years ago, are composed of sandstone and conglomerate and stand as natural masterpieces.

The highlight of Meteora is the collection of monasteries perched atop the towering rock pinnacles. Built by monks seeking solitude and spiritual elevation, these monasteries were constructed during the 14th and 16th centuries. Today, six of the original monasteries are still active and open to visitors. Meteora holds great spiritual significance in the Greek Orthodox tradition. The monasteries served as havens for monks seeking refuge and spiritual enlightenment. The isolation and natural grandeur of the surroundings were believed to bring them closer to God. Visitors can experience the serenity and spirituality of the monasteries while admiring the breathtaking views.

The magical moments of sunset and sunrise add another layer of beauty to the already enchanting landscape of Meteora. Watching the sun paint the sky with vibrant colors while it sets or rises behind the rock formations is a truly unforgettable experience.

Meteora is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its natural and cultural significance. Visitors can learn about the history and cultural heritage of the region through guided tours and visits to the monasteries. Meteora is a destination that captivates visitors with its surreal beauty, spiritual aura, and rich history.


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8,3 k

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must-seeMust See

Monastery of Agia Triada


Whether you’re exploring the monasteries, hiking through the trails, or simply taking in the breathtaking views, Meteora promises an unforgettable experience that blends nature, spirituality, and history in a truly unique setting.


Our top 5 things to do in Meteora



Visit the Monasteries

Explore the six active monasteries perched atop the towering rock formations. Each monastery has its unique history, architecture, and collection of religious artifacts. Admire the frescoes, experience the peaceful atmosphere, and learn about the monks’ way of life.



Hike the Trails

Embark on hiking trails that wind through the rocky landscape, offering stunning views of the monasteries and the surrounding valleys. The Great Meteoron Trail, the Varlaam Monastery Trail, and the Monastery of Agia Triada Trail are popular options for hikers of different skill levels.



Sunset/Sunrise Viewing

Witness the magical moments of sunrise and sunset in Meteora. Capture the breathtaking vistas as the sun casts its warm glow over the rock formations, creating a truly mesmerizing spectacle.



Explore the Towns

Take time to explore the nearby towns of Kalambaka and Kastraki. Wander through their charming streets, visit local shops, and sample traditional Greek cuisine in the tavernas.



Cultural Experiences

Attend a traditional Greek music and dance performance to immerse yourself in the local culture. Learn about the region’s customs and traditions through folk art and craft demonstrations.